Briefly, I have been an Amateur since 1966
and have held a VK3, VK5, VK6 & VK8 calls continuously over the years. My
interest in both IRLP and Linux got me interested in taking over the Node from
Alan when he unfortunately had to give it up due to ever increasing workloads back in 2002.
In 2004 I obtained the callsign in the Republic of Nauru of C21MA
For all of 2006 I was in the Republic
of Niger in West Africa with the callsign 5U7MA.
I obtained a guest permit Licence for China while I was stationed there in 2008.
For all of 2009 and half of 2010 I was active as CU4AX in the Azores, Portugal.
In 2016 work took me to Ascension Isalnd where I was active as ZD8MA.
My RF interests have always been in the VHF
& UHF spectrums and over the years I have dabbled in just about every aspect
of hobby. These days I have added HF to the activity since the "No Code"
The popularity of the Node is increasing
and as time permits I am adding scripts to enhance the facilities of the Node.