438.725 MHz 91.5 CTCSS Katherine, Northern Territory |
Use of the Node There are only a few rules to follow for a successful contact and this is an extract from the IRLP Web Site: As with any new technology, it does take some time to adopt to operating procedures that differ from conventional FM repeater use. This work in progress can serve as a guideline for those wishing to use their local IRLP enabled repeater node. Common Modes Direct connect is just like it sounds where repeater (node) "A" connects direct with node "B". With this type of link the two nodes are interconnected and no other IRLP connections are possible. While repeaters "A" and "B" are connected, anyone attempting to connect with either node will be told by a recording that - "The node you are calling is currently connected to callsign" however all local traffic on each repeater will be heard on the other repeater as well. While Direct Connect is preferred for a city to city chat, the most common type of connection in use today is via the Indianapolis Reflector ( Ref 9200 ). A reflector is a Linux computer that is not connected to any radio but rather sits on lots of internet bandwidth capable of allowing many repeaters to be inter-connected together by streaming the received audio back to all other connected stations. At any given time there are usually 10 to 20 repeaters around the world interconnected via this Reflector. You can always check which stations are connected to the reflector by visiting http://status.irlp.net and looking for nodes connected to individual nodes or reflectors.
Due to the slight increase in delays created by multiple Tone Squelch radios in the links between the repeater and IRLP link radio, a slight change in our normal operating procedures is required with IRLP. By leaving a pause between transmissions it .....
The most important guideline to remember is leaving a pause after pressing the PTT button as well as between transmissions. To Connect IRLP To actually make a connection you need a radio that has DTMF capabilities. I suggest you regularly go to the main IRLP site at www.irlp.net and check the status page to get a list of the node numbers from around the world. Let's assume you want to connect to Reno, in Nevada in the USA. The node number there is "3330" Just enter 3330 on your DTMF keypad and let the system do the work!!! When you have finished just key "73" on the keypad and it will disconnect. If any unusual conditions exist, it will be announced. This could be a system failure, busy station, or whatever. Echolink The node has now been upgraded to run Echolink as well as IRLP. It should be noted that IRLP is the primary operating system and in the event you are connected to an Echolink node, you will be disconnected without warning in the event IRLP has a scheduled task, such as a programme to run. (In fact it would disconnect an IRLP connection in the same circumstances) Like IRLP, it is a simple matter to use the Node to connect to an Echolink node. Simply put an *(asterisk) before the Echolink node number and the system reads the * as you wanting Echolink, instead of IRLP. You will hear any relevant announcements and get progress reports of the connection. Then conduct your QSO just like IRLP. To end, simply press 73 (no asterisk) and the system will disconnect and reset. |